Take advantage of our promotion and take the time to get to knows us. Try our services, and get to know our team. You are going to fall in love with our customer service and quality of deliverables.
70.00ci for 15 Cubic Feet or Less
White Glove Handling
Zero Documentation Fee
Zero Fuel Surcharge Fee
Zero Security Fee
Insurance Coverage on the first $1,200 US
Zero Customs Clearance Process (Does not include import duties)
Zero Port Authority Fee
Zero Delivery Fee ( George Town Area)
No Membership Fee!
2 Shipping Days Per Week
Door to Door Delivery
Rates are based from Malvar Freight Facility to George Town, Grand Cayman
Packages must meet quality packaging for cargo insurance coverage
Cargo cannot exceed 12ft in either direction
Business Hours
Mon - Fri
Appointment Only
Malvar Freight has been in the Transportation Industry since 1969, offering outstanding freight services: Trucking, Ocean Freight, and Air Cargo capabilities with excellent customer service. We are a longstanding member of the Transportation Intermediaries Association.